Mollie Tibbetts Case


On Wednesday evening the 18th of July 2018, Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old student, went jogging near her home in Brooklyn, Iowa, USA. She was last seen jogging around 07:30 PM. For months police and even the FBI tried to locate Mollie Tibbetts.

A Fellow Remote Viewer Asked for Help

On Sunday the 19th of August 2018 around 18:00 hrs Perth, Western Australian time, fellow Remote Viewer and former law enforcement officer John Herlosky, send me a message: “Can you do me a favor, are you available to do a session? It is for the FBI and it is urgent. I can’t do it at the moment. Can you take this one?” My answer was something like: “Okay, I just finished work, I will drive home and do the session.” Send me the Target reference numbers. His reply: TRN 1111-4141

I stopped by my partner’s work on the way home and told him not to disturb me for a few hours as I was going to do an important session for a friend of mine and my phone would be off. I had brought him a cup of coffee for his night shift and had one myself. It was going to be a long night, doing an RV-session after my 12-hour security shift!

The session and the frustration

When I arrived home, I had something to eat and went straight into my office to do a session. The only impression I got was a long straight road and a field! I felt frustrated. This was a session for the FBI and I am getting a long straight road through fields! Whatever it is that 1111-4141 represents, this information is not going to be very useful! They will laugh at me and say: “Do you know how many long straight roads with fields there are in this world lady??

The Second Attempt

I was so frustrated that I tore up my session, walked out of the office, and had another coffee break. I was mumbling to myself: “This is ridiculous! Totally useless information! It’s like telling them to go find the needle in the haystack!!” I have to do better than this! If it is for the FBI and coming from John it must be something important! Then tried again! But, again there was this long straight road! So, I asked myself: “What happened before I got to this field?” Now the information changed to movement.

The Floodgates of Information opened

My stage 2 information started as a trickle and ended up being a flood!

Target appears to be a male and / or location.

There appears to be a metallic, silver, angular structure in a wide open, flat and desolate area, with
some hard rocky, sandy and gritty elements. There appears to be some ‘scrub’, that is rough and
prickley. A flat, warm black surface (road like), and the number ‘61’ is perceived.

There appears to be something stinky, sweaty, warm and clammy (like smelly "running" socks). There is a
sense of moving and warm wind, accompanied by a whirring, buzzing sound. A colour of red-dark
burgundy is perceived inside something.

There is a perception of muffled voices and a sound of a word (like: Caracas / Karakas). There also
appears to be a clicking, beeping and crackling sound (like a 2-way radio or similar).
An energetic, “hyper”, nervous, stressed lifeform (male) appears to be moving. There is a sense of
being “on time”, agitated, angry, determined, almost “obsessed”. (Sketch of Male)

The target site appears to be dark, with a perception of a flash of light moving and a white/red
circular, star-shaped object (Like a Texaco Logo).

The word “Tan” is perceived, with concepts of rushing, moving and holding (like: holding on to
something). There appears to be something inside, locked away,”trapped” in the dark. There is a
perception of “control” in a tight, contained and claustrophobic area (like: being locked in small
moving space)

The words “...going South” are perceived (Like someone saying: we’re going south or it’s going

There appears to be a in the distance (moving towards) a flashing, orangey, bright “SLOW DOWN”
sign. (like: in Road works).

At the target site there appears to be vibration, dark, black and curved shapes, with a white small
rectangular shape with rounded edges /corners (Like: a credit card). This appears to be inside a
recess. The word “EMBERS” is initially perceived, later this is perceived as “MEMBERSHIP”, with a
black or dark blue logo.


Case Closed

On the 19th of August 2018, I completed the session at 18:15 hrs Perth, Western Australia Time and immediately sent it to John Herlosky, who forwarded it to his friend, a Naval Intelligence Officer, who passed it on to the FBI.
On the 21st of August 2018, the arrest warrant for Cristhian Bahena Rivera was issued in Poweshiek County, Iowa, USA.


While Mollie Tibbetts was out running on the evening of the 18th of July 2018, she was spotted by Cristhian Rivera. He drove by in his black Chevrolet Malibu, several times and eventually parked the car to start running beside Mollie. Mollie didn’t want to know and threatened to call the police if he did not leave her alone. Cristhian was illegally in the USA and if she called the police his life would have been over. He abducted and killed Mollie that evening. He likely drove on road 21, past the “Lone Star Truck Stop” near Denny’s Petrol Station, past road works with orange flashing lights, onto a desolate road with cornfields. He hid Mollie’s body in the cornfield along the long straight road. After his confession, he lead police to the body of Mollie, who would likely not have been found by the indication of a cornfield alone.

“While Mollie Tibbetts was found dead, Sandra had a spot-on description of the killer. Rivera (on the news sites) is pretty much a dead-ringer for what she reported. Don’t know when they figured he was the one, but it is of interest that it happened like the day or two after I forwarded the info. Hope it helped – think it did. Kudos.

At a bare minimum, to me, it seems to have confirmed a killer.”

(Original Tasker – Unnamed – Naval Intel. Officer)