Psychic Literacy

and the Coming Psychic Renaissance

Author: Ingo Swann, Introduction by Colin Wilson, Afterword by Dean Radin.

Psychic Literacy by Ingo Swann

About the author: Ingo Swann

Ingo Douglas Swann is considered by many the “Father of Remote Viewing”. Ingo was born in Telluride Colorado USA on the 14th of September 1933 and he passed away in New York, New York State, the USA on the 31st of January 2013. He was one of those rare individuals, who was naturally psychic and also a very curious and highly intelligent person.
Ingo was also a successful research participant in many scientific experiments.


Ingo’s best-known book is probably Autobiography: Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy (1998). However, from a research perspective, Ingo’s book Psychic Literacy and the coming Psychic Renaissance is certainly food for thought! It clearly demonstrates Ingo has researched almost every conceivable aspect of Psychic functioning and that psychics have played an important role throughout history. The difference between what we call fate and destiny and how the invisible forces have hidden psychic agendas. If we understand these hidden agendas we can sometimes avoid or at least postpone our scheduled fate.

He goes into detail about the importance of having clear definitions and the problems psychical research faces when these definitions are not clearly defined. He recounts an encounter when applying for research funding to congress, a General stated: “Can you give me a clear definition of psychic?” Ingo wondered: “Doesn’t everyone know what psychic means?” He agreed to send the General a clear definition, but this took him a few months! He then realised the issue this General was pointing out: You are applying for research in a field that is not clearly defined. How are we supposed to justify the funding if you don’t even know what it is you are researching?” A fair point!!!

During Ingo’s attempt to find the answer, he used several dictionaries and stumbled upon one vague definition after another. The problem it seems was that none of them was able to accurately define the word “psychic”. If we are not literate in a certain field, how can we convey correct and accurate information? How can we investigate if we have no clear definition of what we are investigating? If we just assume we know what it means, we are basing the investigations on just another assumption.

Another issue Ingo addresses in this book is that despite the overwhelming evidence of machinations of the invisible forces and the human ability (if we listen) to avoid or postpone scheduled catastrophes, there are many who still deny or disbelieve the existence of such forces. This predominantly western social construct of denying or ridiculing any such claims is making it difficult for people to act upon their insights, that could prevent coming catastrophic events. Ingo predicts, (or is hoping for) a Psychic Renaissance, where more and more people start to see that there are unseen forces guiding us. That this is, in fact, a natural phenomenon and the human system is designed to pick up on the invisible cues.

In conclusion, Ingo created a very well researched work that encourages critical thinking with an open mind. The book is subtly pointing us to possible avenues of investigation into the machinations of the Invisibles. At a minimum, this book is serious food for thought for any researcher in the field.